
Do You Need Blue Light Lenses?

Do you use digital devices such as cell phones, tablets, and computers? How long do you spend on these devices each day? Concerns about blue light exposure from digital devices and artificial lighting are growing as they can have a serious impact on your health. In this article, we’ll discuss the dangers of blue light and provide solutions for protecting your eye health. 

What Are the Effects of Blue Light on the Eyes? 

While blue light is present naturally in sunlight, excessive, close-up exposure to artificial sources of blue light can have a detrimental effect on your eyes. Let’s look at some of the most impactful outcomes blue light can have.

Affects Your Sleep

One of the well-known effects of blue light exposure is the interruption of sleep patterns. Blue light has been found to impact the natural circadian rhythm of your body, which can affect your ability to get a good night’s sleep.


Causes Digital Eye Strain

When we use digital devices, we often use them at a close distance for prolonged periods of time. As our attention is focused on the screen, we often fail to blink. Blinking is a vital function necessary to lubricate the eye, and a lower incidence of blinking can result in digital eye strain; symptoms include dry eye, fatigue, and blurred vision. 


What Are Blue Light Lenses? 

Blue light lenses are specialty lenses that are designed to filter out some blue light rays from entering your eyes. 


Signs You Might Need Blue Light Lenses

If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should discuss them with your optometrist: 


  • You suffer from dry, itchy eyes.
  • You experience eyestrain.
  • You get headaches.
  • You experience a deterioration in the quality of your sleep.
  • You feel tired when working at the computer. 


How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy When Using Digital Devices

Invest in Some Blue Light Glasses

If you work on a computer screen regularly, a pair of blue light computer glasses may improve your comfort and maintain your eye health. Blue light lenses are recommended even when you don’t have a prescription, but you can get them with prescription glasses, too.


Follow the 20-20-20 Rule

We also advise following the 20-20-20 rule to reduce digital eye strain. Every 20 minutes, give your eyes a break by looking at an object 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds each time. 


Visit Your Optometrist

Keep your eyes healthy by visiting your optometrist at least once a year. They will check your general eye health and update your prescription to give you the best tools for improving your vision.


Blue Light Lenses in Edmonton, Alberta

Most blue light lens wearers notice improvements in their eye comfort and general well-being, even after a short period of time. If you suffer from symptoms including digital eye strain or dry eye, book an appointment with your eye care professional. 

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