Pediatric Eye Exams

Ambleside Family Optometry Services

Pediatric Eye Exams Overview

Did you know the Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends infants have their first pediatric eye exams between age 6 and 9 months? Children do not need to be able to communicate in order for our doctors to perform a comprehensive eye exam. Our doctors can perform objective tests to give parents peace of mind that their children’s eyes are developing normally. Our pediatric eye exams can help screen for lazy eyes (amblyopia) and turned eyes (strabismus) and we can refer your child to an ophthalmologist if required. Alberta Health Care provides coverage for children ages 0-18.

A doctor of optometry can use a variety of pediatric eye exams to help determine if there is any need for glasses or if there are any signs that glasses may be needed in the future. It is especially important for a child to be seen before starting school and yearly afterwards to ensure that they have optimal vision for learning. Contact us today for more information or to book a pediatic eye exam for your child.
